On 8th February we celebrate the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint for the fight against modern slavery.
Modern slavery is present on all of our doorsteps. Because it can often be a hidden crime – less obvious than other crime types – people often don’t realise that it is happening in their communities. But there is not one part of Surrey that does not experience the exploitation of people as a commodity, so it is vital that communities keep their eyes and ears open for the signs that something is wrong.
A recently emerging industry where modern slavery is apparent in Surrey and nationally is the private care sector. Carers are recruited from outside the UK and promised safety and a good salary. In reality they are exploited in terms of hours they are made to work and the amount of money that is taken from them by their exploiters. It is all of our responsibility to call out exploitation and ensure conditions for exploiters to operate in are as hostile as possible.
Click on the "Download File" link below to download a fact sheet describing the signs to watch out for.
Modern slavery is present on all of our doorsteps. Because it can often be a hidden crime – less obvious than other crime types – people often don’t realise that it is happening in their communities. But there is not one part of Surrey that does not experience the exploitation of people as a commodity, so it is vital that communities keep their eyes and ears open for the signs that something is wrong.
A recently emerging industry where modern slavery is apparent in Surrey and nationally is the private care sector. Carers are recruited from outside the UK and promised safety and a good salary. In reality they are exploited in terms of hours they are made to work and the amount of money that is taken from them by their exploiters. It is all of our responsibility to call out exploitation and ensure conditions for exploiters to operate in are as hostile as possible.
Click on the "Download File" link below to download a fact sheet describing the signs to watch out for.