MESSAGE FROM FR RUSLAN Catch of the Day Today’s Gospel recounts the miraculous catch of fish by Jesus and his disciples. As you can imagine, this text from the Holy Bible is one of my favourite readings. Perhaps this is no surprise to you if you know me well, I love fishing. I couldn’t dare imagine how many portions of fish and chips Jesus and his disciples could cook. I am writing this on Thursday and not on Friday as you may have thought. Anyway, it is better for me to come back to the reflection on the Gospel! Behind this story of “catch of the day” is a story of a deep transformation of Jesus’ disciples. They were fishermen and experts in their field that is why they initially refused to pay the net into the water as Jesus requested. No one catches fish in the middle of a hot day. Exactly there is the point that the disciples changed from doubters to believers as they saw the miracle of catching fish. Similarly, today Jesus calls us to follow him. We may be afraid and have some doubts, like the disciples in the reading today, but it is worth following him since only Christ can satisfy our deepest needs and give us everlasting happiness. With prayers Fr. Ruslan and the PPC We serve the local community of Walton-on-Thames, bringing the good news of Christ. Pope Francis has invited us to learn again how to be ‘missionary disciples’, people on a journey, filled with the joy of the Gospel.
We welcome Catholics and non-Catholics alike and all those interested in learning more about our faith. |
Service times (please check newsletter for updates)
Weekday Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 9.30am Tuesday: 7.30pm Thursday: No Mass We pray the rosary on Wednesdays after the 9.30am Mass. We pray Divine Mercy on Fridays after the 9.30am Mass. Adoration takes place on Wednesday and Saturday mornings after the 9.30 Mass, and at 6.30pm on Tuesday evenings. Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday mornings - pre-arrange with Fr Ruslan. |
Weekend Masses:
Saturday Italian Mass 4.45pm Vigil Saturday - 6pm Sunday Family Mass - 9.15am Traditional Mass - 11.15am Polish mass: First Sunday of the month at 1pm Live streaming All masses and services are live streamed and are available to watch after. Life streaming enables: * Housebound parishioners to attend * Others who are unable to attend to engage with acts of worship.
This section is specifically for those in need of our prayers, whether they are sick, housebound or just in need of extra prayer. If you would like your name or someone you know to be added to the list, then please let the office know. If you are submitting on behalf of someone else, please get their permission first. If you are sick or unwell and would like only Fr Ruslan to know but not have your name in the newsletter just let us know and this can be accommodated.
Housebound? Click here for more information on how we can help. |
Aman Allos, Teresa Azouz, Roger Blishen, Christopher Clifford and Catherine Browle, Katherine Cawley, Trish Claxton, Rose Collins, David Cox, Théresè Crumpler, James De Leons-Hopkins, Maureen and Bill Dodds, Julia Donaldson, Mary Edenborough, June Ellis, Manuel and Jackie Faraldo, Michael and Cathy Flynn, Carole Frost, Carmen Galanty, Sophie Giannini, Franky Goes, Gloria Gowen, Ann Griffin, the Hansford family, Yvonne and Michael Johnson, Karen Lane, John Lydon, Rita McGloin, Oscar Menezes, Christian Misuraca, Sarah Mitchell, Maureen Moriarty, Colleen Murphy, Louise Nettleton, Arlo Nolan, Ben Piltsher, Shirley Rhodhes, Deborah Russell, Evie Sagun, Anna Sartori, Michael Spears, Michelle Thomas, Eileen White, Angela Widdup, Dina Yates.
YOUR EASTER AND CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: Dear Parishioners, a gentle reminder that Parish priests do not get paid a salary and are remunerated from Mass stipends and from the Easter and Christmas Offerings. Easter offerings go to Fr Ruslan as your personal gift. If you are planning to donate via bank transfer, please use the ref Easter Offering or Christmas Offering. Thank you in advance for your generosity and God bless All money paid into the collection is used to pay to cover the parish's expenses. A parish priest is not paid a salary and is remunerated from mass stipends and from the Christmas and Easter Offerings Our challenge now is to grow our parish's financial income to support our parish priest, maintain our premises and resource the many activities of the parish. This can be achieved by more people giving and/or people giving more generously. Please consider what you can do to help. We have special funds for projects and maintenance. Any questions on gift aid or if you need a form please email Kevin Kilburn on [email protected] |
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you very much for your generosity and support to the parish. I greatly appreciate all your help and financial contribution. May God bless you all!!!
If you would like to donate online, please see the parish bank details:
Thank You! |
Give on line using the button at the top of the page. This site takes debit and credit cards and completes gift aid automatically for single or regular donations
You can give in person with cash, during Mass, and also by Credit/Debit card using our terminal DONA in church, or via the QR codes in the pews. Donations can be gift aided. Simply make the donation and fill in the gift aid form (only need to register once). If the form is completed future donations using the same card will be automatically gift aided complete with an email receipt.
You can give in person with cash, during Mass, and also by Credit/Debit card using our terminal DONA in church, or via the QR codes in the pews. Donations can be gift aided. Simply make the donation and fill in the gift aid form (only need to register once). If the form is completed future donations using the same card will be automatically gift aided complete with an email receipt.
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