Flowers |
There are currently 5 people who help with the flowers. We have a rota and once a week one of us changes/checks the arrangement under the altar.
We combine fresh flowers with silk flowers to make our arrangements. Please note that the parish funds the cost of flowers and materials. At Easter and Christmas, we arrange extra flowers (typically two pedestals) to decorate the church. We would like to have extra help, even if you can only help say once a quarter. We can help with initial training, so you won't just get dropped in at the deep end. If you would like to help a ministry that brings so much pleasure to others, please get in touch and you can come along for a trial session or two. Please call Louise Speed on 01932 226447 or email [email protected] for more information. Donations for flowers. By tradition flowers are not paid for from the general collection. If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of flowers, please place your donation in an envelope marked flowers. All donations gratefully received. Thank you |
Church cleaning |
Each cleaning group aims to have four to five people (plus a couple of spares to allow for absentees, holidays, etc. ).
Some groups meet collectively to clean at a particular time whilst other groups work independently as and when time allows for each individual. If a group works separately they will have agreed who does which task and will leave notes for the other members. Cleaning typically only involves spending 1 hour every 5 weeks (5 groups) Tasks cover things such as dusting furniture and statues etc, cleaning windows, polishing brass, vacuuming the church & porch and any minor tasks that you think would make the church more agreeable. At the moment some groups are low in numbers, so if you can spare 1 hour every 5 weeks, & a chance to meet other parishioners, please contact the Parish Office for more information. Why not bring a friend and clean together and have a great chat as well! |