Why have a Parish Pastoral Council?For the Church to have relevance in today's world, continuing efforts are required to find new ways to assist parishioners to connect their daily experience with their faith and their efforts to live out that faith each day. From such a perspective, pastoral councils are challenged to be attentive to the realities of life within society and constantly to search, together with the community being served, for where God may be leading, seeking to build the parish community, live out our mission to be missionary disciples of Christ, and offering a sense of empowerment and hope.
St Erconwald’s parish missionSt Erconwald’s,Walton, has had, for many years the following as its mission statement:
“Grow in faith, love and community” St Erconwald PPC is committed to deepening its understanding of what it means to live out this mission and to explore in depth the unique characteristics of our faith community at St Erconwald’s Walton. We will regularly reflect on our mission, reviewing how we support the parish to grow. As followers of Christ, guided by his Holy Spirit, we are called to be missionary disciples. In the words of St John, ‘By this shall all know that you are my disciples, if you have loved one another.’ (John 13:35). |
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