There are many ways to support us financially.
It costs more than £100,000 per year to run the parish and to maintain the buildings. Your regular support is important.
In person
At mass/in an envelope at the parish office, cash/cheque made payable to 'RCD A&B St Erconwald's, using the QR codes in the pews, or our contactless giving terminal (dona) for debit and credit cards. This terminal enables you to gift aid. Create a standing order via your bank For most people the easiest way to do this is to go online and set it up. You can download our account details below or take the details into your branch. Remember too that each year our costs rise with inflation and it would be great if you considered reviewing the amount you give annually. Our details are as follows: Bank: HSBC Branch address: 69 Pall Mall London Account name: RCD A&B St Erconwalds Walton on Thames Sort Code: 40-05-20 Account number: 01126393 |
Gift Aid
Are you a UK taxpayer, why not Gift aid your donation? Gift Aid is a government scheme which applies to all collections and donations to the parishes whether regular or one-off. Please download, print off and complete the very simple declaration – without a signature – to allow the Parish to reclaim tax on your donations. Please return the completed form to the Parish Gift Aid organiser through the sacristy after Mass, or drop it in to the parish office. For any queries regarding Gift Aid, please contact our Gift Aid Organiser, Kevin Kilburn by email [email protected] Please download the gift aid declaration below. ![]()
Our Parish Supports the APF, the official support organisation for the overseas mission of the Catholic Church which supports every mission diocese in the world. Many of our Parishioners hold a "Red Box" in their homes where they collect loose change. These boxes are collected and counted every six months by a team of people from the Parish. To take a Red Box please contact the Parish Office. To find out more about the Mission or
Our Parish Organiser is Dominic Ennis
Our Parish Organiser is Dominic Ennis